Shades of Summer
Shades of Summer
Available on:
This song was a lot of fun to record. I kept hearing the melody in my head for some time and when it wouldn't stop coming around into my thoughts I decided to record it. It heads into some new territory for me blending the acoustic and electric guitars with more of a downbeat feel and a pop arrangement. I hope you enjoy it! This track was beautifully mastered by Ottmar Liebert @ Oto-Mare in Santa Fe
Released March 18, 2021 on Bandcamp and April 30, 2021 on streaming and download sites.
Stephen Duros: Flamenco guitars, electric guitars, bass, keyboards and synth programming.
Studio: Lava Lounge, Los Angeles, CA
Mastering: Oto-Mare, Santa Fe, NM
Flamenco guitar used on this track: Lester DeVoe